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Your Peace of Mind--Invaluable!


How long has it been since you've had your explanation of benefits discussed or your health plan reviewed?  With more time at home, we find ourselves turning to important matters we may have put off for another day. Your Medicare health insurance may be one of those matters that benefits from more of your attention.  


As a retired pharmaceutical professional, drug plans hold a special interest for me.  Your prescription drug plans require a lot of research--let me do the heavy lifting and offer you the top three choices for your coverage, if a plan change is in order.


Formularies change yearly, and your health may change, too.  It's key to review annually how your plan meets your current prescription drug needs.  Even a simple conversation about the stages of drug coverage can be helpful in understanding your drug costs.  It's an easy plan review to do, especially for a retired pharmaceutical representative like me.  


Through telephone, face to face, or remote meetings, you'll be amazed at what we can accomplish with a 20 minute plan review, or by discussing what steps to take to prepare for Medicare for your smooth transition into Medicare.


It all adds up to your peace of mind, and to me, that's invaluable.